Let’s term limit Chicago’s Mayor

Neal Sáles-Griffin
2 min readAug 4, 2018


Chicago needs to institute a mayoral term limit just like the other nine major cities in the country. New York City, LA, Phoenix, San Jose, San Diego. They all have term limits, and we don’t.

Term limits have been a thing dating back to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It’s something that we even have for our president (bet some of you regret that).

In my lifetime, I had one mayor. And then we had the new guy come in recently, and that hasn’t worked out so well. We have representatives that are more focused on keeping their job than they are on doing good work for the people. The political dynasties have to end. And that’s not going to happen if we just hope that a good person gets elected. That’s only going to happen if we the people decide to force the hand of our leaders to transition out and set other people up for success.

So, Chicago if you’re tired of how things are working and you want things to get better, we’ve got a shot at doing this right now. We need 52,519 valid signatures by August 6th. And if we’re able to pull that off, we can put the question on the ballot in November.

So, over this weekend, here’s my ask for you: take the time to go to takechargechicago.org, download the petition, print it out, and get a group of your friends or people you’re going to see this weekend to sign it.

You can bring it into us on Sunday or Monday, we’ll make sure those signatures are included in our submission on Monday afternoon.

So, in November you could literally vote out Rahm Emanuel as mayor if we get these signatures in and get it on the ballot.

Chicago needs term limits just like the rest of our counterparts. And if we do that it’s a step in the right direction for better leadership, more transparency, and much greater accountability. Let’s do it.

